Friday, June 6, 2008

Annoyed with XML

Advancements in technology are fantastic, don't get me wrong. But it's always annoying when some things advance faster than others. I've been messing around with widgets and trying to add one or two to my blog. I keep running in to snags, however, because the widget code is not set up to automatically cut and paste in to the xml schema of my blog. I try to go through and fix it, but it's been so long since I've done any web coding in any detail that it's just not happening. So at 8:40 on Friday evening, I think it's time to call it quits and try again tomorrow. Maybe someone much smarter than me can give me some pointers in class tomorrow.


Jerry Rhoads said...

Yeah it can be fun --LOL!!

Mark said...

Molly I have not attempted a widget yet. ;-) Hopefully it will not be too much of a pain.

I like your blogspot. Looks nice!