Monday, July 7, 2008

Political Social Networking

The Obama presidential campaign has been utilizing the technology of social networking on its website to capture the interests and opinions of America's Millenium Generation voters. MyBarackObama is a networking forum where members may join interest groups, post messages, write blogs, etc. It was initially created for Obama supporters to meet in a virtual location and share their views. But what happens when those who oppose Obama decide to crash the party? This is what we're finding out through the networking group on MyBarackObama specifically formed to get Sen. Obama to oppose the FISA bill he endorsed in June. 24 hours after the group was formed, membership was at 500. Today, the group boasts over 16,000 members and is growing by the hour. So Sen. Obama may find himself in a catch 22. His campaign created this tool to give the people the ability to take an active part in the creation of their presidential candidate and his platform. Now it appears to have come up and bitten him from behind.

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